June 19, 2007

tuesday - 5 states

started in Minnesota, then Iowa, Missouri , Kansas, and now Oklahoma!!!

a new record (for this trip), we drove 700 and
some miles (so I think)
here's a picture of a small silo in Missouri (look close!):

just before we crossed the Missouri river, which is
the Missouri / Kansas state line:

in the picture below, check out the red truck crossing
towards us:

it's a snowplow!


just after crossing the river, we came on this train yard!

we stopped in kansas city, kansas at the
American Truck Historical Society

I don't have pictures cuz I was in the truck, cleaning, reading
and talking to my hunny.

we then stopped at a bbq place down the road:

and now we're in Guthrie Oklahoma, 70 miles from Oklahoma City.

in the thunder, lightning and rain.

in the next picture, all the blue is lightning (2 second exposure)

it's raining hard, but you can't see it because of the long shutter.

that's all you get now cuz I'm going to unplug the puter
so it doesn't get zapped.

until tomorrow!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, i didn't know that you were in the silo business, and with your name!!!