we have moved!
and I've not posted since the road trip many months ago.
time to start again!
rather then make this big one, I'm going to post this one and 2 others.
so, we've left southern california! Been there all of my 39 years, but my parents are escaping so we took the chance to also!
we now live in sunny (well, sometimes!) and rainy (well, sprinkley!) west seattle, washington.
where the hills are green, rather then brown!
and on a landform that extends above the surrounding terrain, overlooking the puget sound no less!
I call it 'los west silverlake feliz seattle', because west seattle is really the los feliz and silverlake of seattle. it does have it's echo parkey parts, but for the most part its upwardly mobile youngish people. there's a LOT of Subarus around these parts! :-P
I should even add santa monica in that mix, because of california ave SW, which is pretty much 3rd street promenade, with bars, restaurants and trendy shops.
here's some numbers for you.
153 feet above sea level, 823 feet from the water (down a biggie staircase), 1.2 miles from alki beach (which has real sand and expensive ass condos) and 2.2 miles from downtown. From the window next to my puter, I see the 'sound and 6 big shipping container loading cranes, which I call storks, because it wouldn't be as fun just calling them crains.
if we didn't live in an area that had green belt status, we could trim the trees a bit and have an AMAZING view of the downtown seattle skyline, with the space needle and all. but alas, we can't, even though the vines the city planted are killing the trees anyway.
there's lots more to say, but I'll just start with some pictures, then end!
(it's lunch time)
the flat:
(its kind of a hazy day, we just got done with a NASTY rain yesterday):

ok, that's about it for now.
but one more thing!!!
our landlords!
we've got so amazingly lucky!
the owners, ray and nancy...who are also our neighbors, are amazing!
Super nice, funny, witty and friendly (or is that same as nice?)
ray is a contractor and has a garage full of tools so i feel right at home!
we all share lots of common interests and loves
getting along smashingly!
alex and I both feel so lucky that we've found a nice place with
nice people (expecially after what happened to the last 2 places we rented)
over and brockout!